Simple DIY Herbal-infused Foot Salve Recipe for Cracked Heels
Have cracked feet? This recipe can help you heal cracked heels and feet. Well taken care feet can make you feel good about yourself. Cracked heels can also ruin socks something you don't wanna deal with. Make simple DIY herbal-infused foot salve recipe for cracked heels.
Having cracked heels is quite amongst common issues when it comes to foot care. You have to know the nature of heel skin first. When you're born, you come with soft baby feet, soft baby heels. As you start to take your first baby steps with those happy feet onwards, your heels start to develop thick layer of dead skin cells underneath to combat friction when you walk and high pressure from your body mass. This thick layer is called calluses. Let's talk about cracked heels and its remedies.
What Is A Foot Salve?
A foot salve is type of skincare product that can help the feet and heels to be healed and have soft skin. In this recipe, we are making foot salve. Before preparing this recipe you have to make herbal-infused oil. Let's use lemon balm, peppermint and chickweed, all these three herbs are powerful combination which can be to make herbal-infused oil to soothe dry, damaged and cracked heel skin.
I know you don't have infused oil, now here is a quick method on how to make herbal-infused oil. You'll need
lemon balm
A carrier oil
Put your peppermint, lemon balm and chickweed herbs in the glass measuring cup and place it simmering water bath.
Now pour your carrier oil to cover the dried herb mixture by at least an inch. Best carrier oils are jojoba oil, olive oil and MCT coconut oil, you can use other carrier oils as well.
Gently heat your mixture which you placed in a saucepan with water from temperature 35-50 Celsius (95-122 Fahrenheit) frequently stirring, so that the oil can be infused with antioxidants from the dried herbs, for 8 hours! Yeah, 8 whole hours! Just do this in your free day, gal!
Now after all those loong 8 hours, strain your oil from the wasted herbs with a cheesecloth or strainer and put it in a clean sterile jar.
Store the jar in a cool and dry place, and use within six months.
After you're done with this step then you can use it to make your foot salve, you can skip this step if you have this herbal-infused oil.

Selecting Ingredients
Herbal-infused oil: This herbal-infused oil is made from lemon balm, chickweed and peppermint herbs. These herbal infusions can real help to soothe and heal the heels of your feet. Herbal infusions contain flavonoids and anti-oxidants that can be useful in this recipe.
Dried peppermint: Its botanical name is known as (Mentha piperita). It has a strong menthol scent. It has anti-septic, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that makes it a good foot salve. It will leave your feet and heels smelling fresh.

Dried lemon balm: Known for its herbal, fresh scent. It is known as (Melissa officinalis) a botanical name. Filled with flavonoids and anti-oxidants that can help heal cracked heels and soothe the skin in general.

Dried chickweed: This is another herb that I have used to make the herbal-infused oil. Its botanical name is called (Stellaria media). Contains anti-oxidants that are good for protecting dry and damaged skin.

A carrier oil: You can use three amongst of these oils are jojoba oil, fractionated oil and olive oil. Avoid using aromatic carrier oils just use neutral oils that can help herbal infusions.

Beeswax: This is the base for our foot salve. Beeswax contain essential fatty acids than can seal moisture and improve hydration on the skin. If you want vegan-friendly recipe use carnauba wax, soy wax, chamomile wax or candelilla wax.

Vitamin E oil: It is an oxidant. It can be used to fight off free radicals on the skin that are caused by harsh elements. But also Vitamin E oil can be used as a preservative in this foot salve. This foot salve should be used in less than 6 months. I think this foot salve is good for winter season. It would be finished before spring time.
Lavender essential oil: The sweet-smelling scent of lavender plus fresh scent of peppermint can make a good combo for your foot salve. It has anti-septic, anti-bacterial, aromatic and anti-inflammatory properties.
½ cup of herbal-infused oil(we just made it already)
2 heaping tablespoons f grated beeswax
a quarter (¼) teaspoon of Vitamin E oil
30 drops of lavender essential oil
Gather your ingredients and tools that you gonna use to make this foot salve recipe. Prepare glass measuring cups, sanitized jar and saucepan.

Measure out your infused-carrier oil and beeswax into a glass measuring cup and then place it in a saucepan containing a few inches of simmering water seated on a stove top, stir occasionally, until melted.
Remove from the heat.
Now add Vitamin E oil and essential oils and stir well occasionally.
Carefully pour your hot mixture in a small jar or any other designated clean container.
Wait to cool and it is ready to use.

Ways to Prevent Cracked Heels and Cracked Feet
There are several ways that can help you keep your feet and heels soft, avoiding feet infection by reducing cracks appearing. Here are things to do
Always wear socks. If you're heels and feet are prone to cracks then cover your feet but also wear shoes that cover your whole feet to keep them away from harsh elements such as cold, rough surfaces and so on.
Have a pedicure regularly. Try as much as possible to have pedicure every week or bi-weekly, to keep your feet soft and rid of cracks.
Occasionally have a nice foot soak. It is not only for reducing stress and relaxation but also reduce cracked feet.
Moisturize your feet and heels everyday. Let it be a part of your overall skincare routine. Use this recipe of foot salve everyday and see the transformation in your heels.
Use pumice stone to remove the calluses. Pumice stone is to feet and heels as loofah is to body skin.
About me
Hello, my dear gorgeous! Welcome to my blog and learn with me as you walk in your skincare journey. I'm skincare enthusiast and a student. I like sharing my passion of beauty and skincare with the world. I like blogging, reading and binge watching YouTube vlogs and Netflix during my leisure time.